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Monday, February 21, 2011

Let's Get This Month Over With

     February - just the mention of this month engenders mixed feelings; it's still a cold, dark, snowy, icy time - but it's the "last one". Meaning, better days are ahead. Heck, it's spelling is even wacked.  Battlin' through this, the shortest month of the year like that's supposed to make it better somehow, has been a slog. But, you'll be glad to know that I'm ready to turn the page.
     Tommy G. and I are already planning an action packed spring and summer. Lots on the radar, the next being opening the pond and travelling to West Virginia (late March) for a quick mission trip. After that, I'm going to do some kayaking, some backpacking, and spend about a week in Cali. attending a wedding in the wine country/bouncing around the coast. I'll post plenty about these as they queue up. Seein' the doc soon to make sure the engine's ready to run trouble-free all summer. Fear not dear followers, I have the strength of ten, because my heart is pure.......

Monday, February 14, 2011

Moving On

     I want to thank all of those who followed me to and from Sierra Leone. It remains a formative experience in my life. I think often of our village, and the friends we have there. But, it's time to press on.
     In the weeks to come, I intend to regale any/all who have interest, with coming attractions and whatever musings/rants/etc. that come to mind. Feel free to suggest topics or ask questions. Knowing me is like going to college. Stay tuned and stay warm...........