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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Horace Greeley Was Right

Speed Demons:
     Like MacArthur, I have returned: he, to Leyte - I, to Harrisburg. The commonalities of those sites notwithstanding, it's time to detail my recent sojourn to southern & central California. I wasn't alone; my travelling companions were other family members, who - I'm certain - would love to share their stories as well. But, it's My blog, so these are My stories.
     Upon my arrival in the Sunshine State, my steed was at the ready. I soon became one with this shiney device and it faithfully transported me up/down, in/around that glorious landscape. Here she is, awaiting my command.

     The trip was built around the wedding of our nephew Jed, and his fiancee Rachel. The ceremony was held at a ranch on a mountaintop near Los Olivos, at the Figuera Mountain Farmhouse. Here's the link: I have tons of pics, but this one best represents the blessed union (again, It's My blog).

      Most of the remaining photojournaling includes debauchery unsuited for this family-oriented venue; as such, they remain available only for private viewings, by appointment only. Suffice it to say, the wedding was the high point of the trip. However, the remainder was not without its share of stunning scenery, amazing wildlife and fantastic sites. In the interest of brevity, a few examples follow:

         I only have about 383,013 more amazing shots; not pictured above were shots of Alcatraz, Chinatown and the Painted Sisters in San Francisco - elephant seals and otters in San Simeon and Monterey - amazing views of Pebble Beach, the California Redwoods and, of course, tons of a few wine tasting experiences in the Santa Ynez Valley. There is one shot however, that speaks volumes about the enormous popularity, and ability to immediately connect, possessed by yours truly:
     Beg as she might, and though it likely broke her heart, I told her I could not stay with her and help her rid the West of desperados. Until next time amigos.........

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Short & Sweet

     This one will be brief; merely an appetizer for the main course to follow - my musings following an upcoming trip to the Left Coast.We leave soon.
     In my last post, I mentioned that I was born in Cali; specifically, at Camp Pendleton where Gomer Pyle was filmed (appropriate, non?).
     I'd love to get back there to see where it all began - maybe even walk the same ground trod by the PFC whose sharp wit, encyclopedic grasp of all things known, and laser-like focus has inspired this writer to the lofty heights he's achieved. 
     Next time, I'll regale you with adventurous tales of my exploits near the Pacific, and prepare you all for the "Killa Flotilla" that's scheduled for July. Pax vobiscum..........