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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pilgrims & Indians & Turkeys, Oh My


     Nothing special to report; I'm desperately in need of attention way focused on gearing up for the inagural anniversary issue of Cheap Talk, due out next month. As an added bonus feature, watch for my Christmas list - because yes Rick W., it IS all about me!
     As such lads & lasses, I merely want to wish all the Speed Demons out there a happy, joyous, safe & sane Thanksgiving. I so love my little demons.....

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I Hear Dead People

     As you know, Speed considers himself is considered by some to be the ultimate arbiter of all things pop culture; as such, my council is often sought in matters of popular music history. This being the case, I'm again offering a listing, and soliciting input, on a specific niche within the industry - Great Songs By Dead Folks. Here below, are a few that come to mind:

Rainy Night In Georgia  -  Brook Benton
Ring Of Fire  -  Johnny Cash
Rehab  -  Amy Winehouse
Jailhouse Rock  -  Elvis Presley
Me & Bobby McGee  -  Janis Joplin
Purple Haze  -  Jimi Hendrix
Peggy Sue  -  Buddy Holly
Billy Jean  -  Michael Jackson
Warewolves Of London  -  Warren Zevon
Pretty Woman  -  Roy Orbison
Dock Of The Bay  -  Otis Redding
No Woman No Cry  -  Bob Marley
Crossfire  -  Stevie Ray Vaughn

     At first blush, the foregoing baker's dozen great songs might seem a pitiful effort; I would expect those of limited capacity to think that. Dear followers, it is merely the tip of the proverbial iceberg in Speed's vast ocean of knowledge.

     So, rather than fish for you, I'm allowing you to fish for yourself, and in so doing, ascend inches higher in the never-ending quest to approximate my lofty perch in the tree-top of life. In short, I'm interested in your suggestions for this listing; there are however, caveats:
* The artist must be dead
* The artist must be more famous than their group (i.e.: Buddy Holly/Janis Joplin), or for their solo career - so, no John Lennon, no Freddie Mercury, no Kurt Cobain, no Wendy O. Williams, etc.
* The artist must be of the pop/rock/blues genre
* The artist must've made the bulk of his/her recordings post 1960

     Please add your suggestions as comments on this blog post; the reader with the most/best suggestions (my blog - my decision - no appeal) will receive one of the mostly unopened/unused inventory few remaining autographed action shots of Speed, left over from the recent membership drive.

     I can't have ALL the good ideas, can I .........?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

It Was A Blast

     As promised, the following is offered to sate your collective curiosity regarding my latest foray into the verdant wild. My last post explained the event and logistical details, thus sparing you a monotonous rehash of that which you already know. <For those requiring a review, do so by reading the 10/26 post (2nd paragraph) - and be quick about it!>
     Addiction called me to my post early Friday morning; however, I managed to cram a full day's fix into about 90 short minutes. After that, I set off to accomplish my mission. With a huge assist from several of the Speed Demons, I was able to secure, load, transport and deliver a fine load of firewood to our home away from home. Shortly thereafter, K2 made what by now has become an annual pilgrimage to the ranger station at (unnamed, for reasons that become obvious later) State Park. We were greeted by squeals of delight from the office staff, having by now long fallen prey to our intoxicating man-spell.  
     Naturally, we were afforded special treatment by the doe-eyed princesses that man the outpost. The 2011 camping weekend was underway; the cabins were prepared, the fire was lit. All that remained was the arrival of the balance of the prairie settlers. Unbeknownst to us however, another arrival loomed - presaged by the increasingly pendulous clouds that overhung our fir-lined retreat.

     What greeted us on Saturday can only be described as other-worldly. From a perch far to the Southwest, swooped a colossal snow bird - laying in its path a fearsome amount of snowy bluster. Of course, the weak-willed men and tremulous women, fearing for their very lives, were loathe to venture out to face the beast. Unsurprisingly, I led a small party of brave souls into the very teeth of the gale; defying even Mother Nature herself, I took on the marauder and fought it to a standstill. Victorious, I returned to the cabin to quench my thirst receive the well deserved plaudits of my fellow sojourners. Then, in what can only be described as a stunningly surreal occurrence, I discovered that the monster had delivered a gift to our cabin - Frosty the Snowman was camped just outside our door! Sadly, it seems that distaff campers are simply not blessed with the innate intuitive skills that Tommy possesses.

     While I immediately recognized this Trojan Horse, some of the party not only welcomed this interloper, but appeared so taken with it, that they began worshipping it as well! I knew what had to be done. Allowing the intruder the secure feeling of acceptance, and by so doing, placing him off-guard, I planned my actions for the following day. Trusting only a few other seasoned, battle-hardened veterans of so many of Speed's campaigns, an effective counter-strategy was devised; using several well-placed explosive devices would ensure the grinning menace's demise. Remembering the time-honored dictum, "if you kill the head, the body dies", our success was assured. Here, linked, is what followed.....
     Let it be known throughout the realm, that whosoever threatens Speed's domain shall pay the ultimate price. Once again, peace returned to our campsite. The former idolaters returned to their senses, and abundant sunshine washed upon us all. The legend grows, one remarkable feat at a time.......