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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fit As a Fiddle

     Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I've returned; my recovery is complete. Much of the credit goes to the crack medical staff at the asylum care center - especially doctor Ya, MD - who was so generous with an especially addictive brand of island therapy.
     So, feel free to take a moment and breathe that long awaited collective sigh of relief; in fact, it's ok to cry those pent-up tears of joy.
     While confined, my spirit was salved by the outpouring of grief/concern regarding my condition, and subsequent convalescence. Cards, letters and well-wishes from around the globe carried me through the darkness, and accelerated my return to you, my loyal followers.
     As such, I shall reward your devotion by answering some of the questions you penned in my absence - yet, another dip into the mailbag.

Question: Some people consider their mortality when they've had a brush with doom; are you a religious man, and if so, what tempts you? ... B. Graham
Answer: Dude - Exodus 20:2-3 (duh). Without sounding too self righteous, I'd say - save the 7 deadlies - I'm virtually temptation free.

Question: Inasmuch as your recent illness was caused by ego and an inflated sense of self-importance, what changes are you going to make, and how will you curtail this in the future? ... M. Oz
Answer: Physician, heal thyself.

Question: Are you better looking and more athletic than I am? ... T. Brady
Answer: Yes I am. You're welcome! 

Question: Speed, can you score me some blow? ... W. Houston
Answer: Should have probably gotten to this one sooner...

Question: My NetGear range extender is having difficulty communicating with the other computers on my LAN. Can you help me? ... B. Gates
Answer: Childs play; please follow these steps carefully:
     1. First, place your Extender equal distance between your router and the farthest wireless computer located outside the range of your existing router.
     2. Plug in the power adapter and turn on the Extender. Wait for one minute. The Extender statue LED will turn green.
     3. From the farthest computer, connect to "NETGEAR_EXT" or "EXTENDER" wireless network.
    4. Open a browser from the same farthest computer and go to and it will automatically take you to the Smart Wizard to connect the Extender to the existing network.

     Ok; that's enough for now folks. Suffice it to say, the world is once again a better place. Special thanks to Tommy G. for guesting in my absence. If he loses the attitude, the kid's got some promise.
     Watch for next month's posting; it'll lay out my late winter - early spring agenda. It's so cool to be me.....