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Friday, April 13, 2012

Yes, it's been a while; I miss you too

     When last you heard from me, I was preparing for 2 seperate things - one an adventure, the other an event. The Appalachia Service Project (ASP) trip was awesome. I was one of 28 (29 returning) wide-eyed volunteers that ventured some 500 miles to the southwest, to Virginia's appendix. While there, we split into 5 teams, each one assigned a sturdy leader - all tasked with reclamation/renovation projects of one sort or another. Naturally, the team I was a part of had 2 sites to cover; the other, lesser-skilled teams had one.
     Under the watchful tutelage of Lt. Dan, we executed our mission with alacrity; suffice it to say, the A Team was in town.
     Later that week - Good Friday, to be exact - Super Dave R. and I reprised a well-written, insightful drama, pitting Peter against Judas, in a revealing blame game that followed Jesus' sentencing 2,000 years ago. Great stuff - here's a link to the video of that star turn:
It's a little long (19 minutes) but I'm so worth it it's an excellent production. I know you're asking, is there anything at which Speed cannot excel? Probably not.....
     Although I'm itching to write about, and then finally embark on the 2nd annual Killa Flotilla, and my long awaited reunion with my gorgeous mermaid, I'll restrain myself for a month or so. <Check this out for more details>!/events/379973902042159/   
     In the interim, I'll demonstrate prescience beyond all reason, by offering my predictions for this, the silliest of seasons, the 2012 election cycle.
First however, a word of disclosure - Speed's political bent does not shape the following clairvoyance. Any attempt to divine my leanings is useless. Your best efforts will be confounded; but, if you wish to try - bon chance.

     * Winner Of The PA Republican Primary = Mitt Romney ... I'll bet he's just overjoyed at the thought of wasting the $3 million in ad money he spent to bury Santorum, only to have Rick bow out 2 weeks before election day. There's money well spent!
     * Winner Of The PA Democratic Primary = Barak Obama ... no sh## Sherlock! <Don't fret, I'm just getting warmed up>
     * Winner Of The GOP Nomination = Mitt Romney ... I know, you're thinking the previous thought, but here comes the reach.
     * GOP Vice Presidential Nominee = Bobby Jindal ... The republican governor of Louisiana, and the current GOP poster boy for everything Mitt's not. Remember, you heard it here first.
     * Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee = Joe Biden ... See previous no sh## comment. Dems terrified of any change at this point <see tired old saw about changing horses in mid-stream>.
     * Winner Of The General Election = Barak Obama ... Listen, his base is more excited about his candidacy that Mitt's base is; sadly, it's that simple.
     So there you have it PoliSci students; feel free to commence your hibernation. Thanks to Speed's alarmingly unerring discernment, you needn't trouble yourselves about this any longer.
     Before I close however, here's a Speed Nugget, free of charge - the fundamental problem with a democracy is this: the least-informed vote cast, counts just as much as the most-informed vote cast. Think about that as you engage in political discourse over the next 7 months. Adieu.......