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Tuesday, December 28, 2010


     Tons of stuff to do before we leave. Initially, our departure date was 1/15/11; now, due to airline issues, it looks like it could be moved back a couple of days (maybe leaving 1/13?).
     Returning to Maboleh village; looking forward to reunion with friends there, as well as drivers and other support people. Hoping we'll have our same driver - Abu. He and his family operate a small orphanage; amazing work. We're accumulating things to take with us - knitted and crocheted items for the village, a laptop for Abu, several clergy shirts for the pastors. We 're also hoping to take supplies for the school in the village. As soon as I figure out how to add pictures to these posts, I'll give you a flavor of what we're going to see there. Until then, here's a pretty good link for general information about Sierra Leone. 
     Hope y'all get a ton of don't get much snow while we're gone....... (snarky comment alert)

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