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Thursday, March 3, 2011

March Madness

     I must confess that, as of late, I've been kinda grouchy. Lotsa reasons for that, I'm: mad because:
                                    * of the relentlessly grim weather.
                                    * it isn't Spring yet; I just saw my first robin today, for cryin' out loud.
                                    * of the paucity of meaningful sporting events - baseball has yet to 
                                       begin and football is over, leaving only the most unwatchable sport imaginable 
                                    * there is no real alternative to the mindless sedation that is network television.
                                    * gas prices continue to rise
    However, today my heart soared when a little slice of heaven was delivered to my door. Many of you know my deep, unfettered devotion for Lucinda Williams; today, her newest CD arrived, thanks to the good folks at - and despite the bumbling efforts of the USPS. But I digress - back to blue eyes.
     For those of you that have yet to discover this American treasure, here's a link to get you started I gotta tell ya, I'm definately mad for her. I guess I'm mad about a lot of other things but those rants will have to wait for future posts.
     I'll also have some details on the upcoming WV mission trip later this month. Peace.......

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