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Sunday, April 17, 2011

She's A Doll

     Generally, these posts are either all about me, or all about something I'm doing/I've done. However, I now break with that time-honored tradition to alert the world to one of its latest citizens. Audrey Jean Kocevar arrived at 11:41pm, on April 14. Vitals aren't that interesting to true red-blooded menfolk, but here they are (for the less agressive of the species) anyway; 6lbs, 8ozs - 18 3/4". Here she is:

     Naturally, your beloved author is pictured as well because I can't help myself I wanted to show  you how cute she is. Hard to believe someone so youthful in appearance could have 4 grandchildren. Must be the killer lifestyle............

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Baddest Man On The Planet

     This is a short one. On Sunday evening, at 7pm, I will be taking part in CrossPoint's Ekklesia service - at our Rutherford campus, on Mifflin Avenue in Rutherford; doors open at 6:30. The program begins at 7:00pm, and includes an original drama, written by Pastor Dave Biser's oldest daughter, Audrey. It is an interesting look into the characters of Peter and Judas, as they interact during that first fateful Holy Week. I'm cast as Judas - the penultimate villian. I know - somewhat of a stretch for a sweet, kind guy like me. It's going to be great; the drama and music will be well worth your time. Come one, come all.......