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Sunday, April 17, 2011

She's A Doll

     Generally, these posts are either all about me, or all about something I'm doing/I've done. However, I now break with that time-honored tradition to alert the world to one of its latest citizens. Audrey Jean Kocevar arrived at 11:41pm, on April 14. Vitals aren't that interesting to true red-blooded menfolk, but here they are (for the less agressive of the species) anyway; 6lbs, 8ozs - 18 3/4". Here she is:

     Naturally, your beloved author is pictured as well because I can't help myself I wanted to show  you how cute she is. Hard to believe someone so youthful in appearance could have 4 grandchildren. Must be the killer lifestyle............

1 comment:

  1. I approve of this post :) Audrey is quite fond of her paw paw!
