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Monday, March 26, 2012

Busy Couple Of Weeks

     I know it's been a bit of a wait, but this'll be worth it. First however, I must apologize. Apparently, my latest challenge to the dreary masses you was more difficult than I had imagined.
     As an ascriber to the "Bread & Circuses" (look it up yourself - I can't do everything for you) theory of sociology, I felt certain that a bit of light entertainment, in the form of a musical-themed quiz, would brighten the spirits of dullards the world over. As no responses/entries were received, I can only conclude that the bar was set too high. This was clearly an error in judgement, for which I <fake sincerity alert> sincerely apologize.
     So, with that out of the way, permit me to describe for you my schedule for the near future. Shortly, I shall return to Appalachia to assist our Appalachia Service Project (ASP) team; this year, we venture into the darkest recesses of Southwestern Virginia.   
     Obviously, my superior skill set coctail made a favorable impression on team leadership last year. I'll provide you all a full accounting upon my return.  
     Soon thereafter, on Good Friday, Super-Dave Romberger and I will reprise our roles as Peter & Judas (guess which one I play) during that evening's 7:00 PM service at CrossPoint. The drama is one authored by our pastor's daughter Audrey, and it's a good one - a look deep into what really motivated Judas. I'm generally loathe to assign praise to anyone but myself really impressed with her take on this. I encourage you to attend - it really is that good!
     Finally, a word about my heritage, as many of you have written, asking me about my "roots". I'm a mixed breed - primarily German, with a touch of Welsh, Scotch (I love a Bonnie lassie) and who knows what else.
     I provide this as a service to those unfortunate souls seeking a role model, but limit themselves to certain nationality strains.
     So, to those desperately seeking one to pattern your life after, I'm here for you. As Tommy says, see me, feel me, touch me, heal me.
     Incipias adorare me.........

Monday, March 12, 2012

Diamond Jubilee

Studio Audience;
     I know it's been a while; I understand how difficult it is for you to patiently await Speed's next missive. You must, however, understand the seismic pressure that I find myself under each and every day. The expectations under which I operate would crush a lesser man.
     To cope, I've taken inspiration from the unyielding weight of other's wants, yearns, yens & desires. So, rather than regale you yet again with another droll yammer wisdom beyond my years, today we'll play a game. The pressure I experience is not unlike that which transforms mere carbon into diamond; thus, my decision to once again test your musical knowledge.
      Here's the challenge - name as many songs or artists with a gemstone in the name as you can. I'll start with the aforementioned diamonds:
     Songs -
     1. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
     2. I Dug Up A Diamond 
     3. Diamond Dogs

     Artists -
     1. Neil Diamond - duh
     2. Diamond Rio
     Now, I certainly don't expect responses akin to my encyclopedic knowledge of musical archives, but I do hope to learn just who is out there reading this tripe.
     So let's hear from those with suggestions that include pearls, rubies, opals, jades, or other gemstones. Don't let Speed down................