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Monday, March 12, 2012

Diamond Jubilee

Studio Audience;
     I know it's been a while; I understand how difficult it is for you to patiently await Speed's next missive. You must, however, understand the seismic pressure that I find myself under each and every day. The expectations under which I operate would crush a lesser man.
     To cope, I've taken inspiration from the unyielding weight of other's wants, yearns, yens & desires. So, rather than regale you yet again with another droll yammer wisdom beyond my years, today we'll play a game. The pressure I experience is not unlike that which transforms mere carbon into diamond; thus, my decision to once again test your musical knowledge.
      Here's the challenge - name as many songs or artists with a gemstone in the name as you can. I'll start with the aforementioned diamonds:
     Songs -
     1. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
     2. I Dug Up A Diamond 
     3. Diamond Dogs

     Artists -
     1. Neil Diamond - duh
     2. Diamond Rio
     Now, I certainly don't expect responses akin to my encyclopedic knowledge of musical archives, but I do hope to learn just who is out there reading this tripe.
     So let's hear from those with suggestions that include pearls, rubies, opals, jades, or other gemstones. Don't let Speed down................

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