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Monday, June 4, 2012

Mail Call

                If you follow my musings at all, you already know how big a deal each year’s Killa Flotilla is. This year’s edition sports a roster of 20+ fearless wave runners. Typically, this edition would contain info and details aplenty; however, as we go to press, a few loose threads remain. Naturally, my unquenchable thirst for attention concern for my readership spurs within me an impulse to post – thereby satisfying the unyielding demands of the Speed Demons.
                As such, to accommodate those of you who, like a nest full of baby robins with mouths agape, awaiting fresh literary meat, yammer and chirp incessantly, I’ll dip once again into the mailbag. Reprising this extremely popular feature should, at least temporarily, sate your entreats. Here we go…..
Q: Speed, what went wrong?  -  M. Zuckerberg
A: Let’s see; offering a populace-driven product primarily to institutional investors. Hmmm, what could it be?
Q: <panting> If Justin Timberlake and Justin Bieber had a fight, who’d win?  -  R. Seacrest
A: In the great “Birds of a Feather” slap-off, I see J. Biebs coming out on top…………………
Q: What do you need most to become a great Cowboy?   -  J. Jones
A: A great cowgirl.
Q: What are you doin’ New Year’s Eve?  -  D. Clark
A: Another one I should have answered sooner…
Q: Are you coming to see my next concert in Hershey?  -  D. Matthews
A: No, but I’d pay to see you take on the winner of the Timberlake/Bieber death match.
Q: What do YOU wish for?  -  J. Cricket
A: A world with more mirrors.
                All right, enough of that for now. Keep watching for my next post; it’ll surely be chocked-full of information about KF II. After that, it’s on to Pinehurst, preparing for PattiPalooza 11, and arranging a return visit to Sierra Leone. It’s so cool to be me; I love it out on that ledge…..

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