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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

It's A Small World After All

     As promised, this post will detail the meticulous planning for, and laser-like focus on my upcoming trip to Sierra Leone. This will be my third trip to that country and the village of Maboleh, where we are building a church. You Facebooky types can see pics and info at "Vision For Maboleh".!/groups/224841617621209/
     First however, to demonstrate just how cosmopolitan your author is, I'll relate my recent trip up-river to see my niece & nephew; or, as they're more commonly known, the Singapore Slings. Though they'd undoubtedly deny it, travelling literally half-way around the globe on a pilgrimage to reconnect with yours truly before I leave, had to be quite a thrill. During the visit, they sought and received my blessing & approval of their compliance with local governmental decrees. Though their countenances inferred otherwise, their sadness with ending our time together was palpable ... I understand.

     But, enough about others (my blog, remember?). Soon, I'll accompany my faithful companion and life partner Bearcat as we glide effortlessly in a big silver tube, first from our shores to the British Isle, then on to extreme Western Africa and the country in which the movie Blood Diamonds was set, Sierra Leone.
     While there, we'll reconnect and cement relationships with officials at both a Conference and village level. During our time in the bush, your favorite Opotho (that's Temne for White Person) will enjoy the hospitality of a village that is primarily comprised of subsistance farmers and hunters. We'll also be delivering another suitcase full of medical supplies - bandages mostly - that many of you good folk have donated.

     My preparations have been mostly made; I have all my shots and have a fool-proof plan to ensure uninterrupted cell phone & internet service there. While in Makeni, a city about 5 miles or so from the village, we'll be lodged and fed (sadly, no Special K in Sierra Leone) in a guest house; most of the clothing I take will be left behind.
     I'll do my best to stay in touch <see fool-proof plan reference, above>. Many thanks to those of you who have so generously contributed to my trip. While donations are still being accepted, your munificence shall not go unremembered. **Editor's Note: Please notice this departure from Speed's incessant self-absorbed snark - an all too brief and uncommon occurance.**
     Hopefully, when next you hear from me, it will be from Sierra Leone. Au revoir.......

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