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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Camping We Will Go

     I'm nothing, if not a man of my word. Having whetted your appetites for ever-increased doses of the verbose pablum that serves as the foundation for this senseless ramble intellectual nourishment that these literary victuals provide, it is with great pleasure that I regale you with my latest episode from the verdant glade. Cringe not; I'll be brief.
     This, the 19th iteration of our annual camping trip to a nearby state park began - as it always does - with a visit to the ranger station. There, K2 reconnected with the ladies of the park office staff who were stunned to learn that these morons had actually survived another year overjoyed to see us again. After dropping off a fine load of dry firewood, we settled in to await the arrival of the rest of the troupe.
     The next 45 hours were spent alternatively feeding like vultures, smoking like chimneys and lazing like the gorged carnivores we are. Campfires, replete with the obligatory explosive rigging, were the focal point of this pack of migrants. Naturally, my rock star-like aura served as catnip to these (by now) scruffy tabbies, and they predictably followed my every lead.
     One such example was an all too short kayak excursion on the lake, with one of the woodland nymphs. The water was calm, my strokes were smooth & sure and our progress was unimpeded as we managed a first place finish in that day's watercraft regatta.
     Our weekend calm was shattered however, by a Sasquatch sighting. No, not the kind spotted by an overweight, dim-witted founder of the local Sasquatch Hunters Club - no sir. This was a real-life, confirmed sighting. Here finally, is visual evidence of the beast's fearsome visage - taken just as it pulled its enormous head out of a cheese puff bag. Fortunately, I was able to shoo the monster back into the woods; I confounded it by laying a trail of ginger snaps in a westerly direction - away from our camp - and it simply followed its nose.
     Little else of consequence occurred, and our haitus ended with a premature withdrawal from the campsite, in advance of Hurricane Sandy's impending arrival. I can never say no to Mother Nature. Ego vobis valedico.......

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