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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Big Old Jet Airliner

     Well, it won't be long now; in just a few short days your favorite gasbag will be, once again, wending his way back to the Dark Continent - back to Sierra Leone. This iteration will find me part of a team with 5 other travelers, as we return to Maboleh, a village near the country's center, to attend the dedication of the church built there last year.
     Ardent followers of my adventures will remember last fall's trip, upon which I reported with banal monotony clarity, alacriity and clever linguistics. During that visit, we attended the inaugural Sunday service in the new building; this trip will include the official dedication of their new church - built on the same spot as the former one - and attendance at the Sierra Leone UMC's Annual Conference.
     Also scheduled are visits to the local primary and secondary schools, participation in the village's All-Sports Day, and meetings with UMC conference officials. Naturally, my MacArthur-like return will be met with raucous, celebratory revelry; last year, they closed the city to motorized traffic - I'm certain it was in my honor. Nonetheless, the outpouring of joy and affection will be quite the spectacle.
     I'll do my best to remain communicado; internet service remains unreliable, but I shall - in the timeless words of Chief Dan George, as Lone Watie in the western classic Outlaw Josie Wales - "endeavor to persevere".
     I'll let y'all know how it goes. YAMD....

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