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Sunday, January 18, 2015

Swan Song

The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated - M. Twain
   I'm back, but only to tell you that I'm not. The 138 days that have passed since my last writing are but a presage of darker days to come. This post will, for the foreseeable future, be my last. Oh, I could salve your ache with trite idioms like: "All good things must come to an end", or "Into each life a little rain must fall". But the truth is, I just ran out of steam I've become bored with the addiction that slavishly serving the incessant clamoring of my worldwide audience (truth alert - the latest view was from Thailand) has exhausted even my legendary reserves.
Straddling the chasm of offensive and decorous prattle has become much too perilous tiresome, requiring an expenditure of energy and creative musings that would certainly have stymied lesser men by now. Coevally however, I leave you with a sense of finished business. Loyal readers, those of you who've struggled through what had the be the saddest, most desperate attempts for attention the planet has ever seen been blessed to follow me from day one, have - by now - certainly seen your lives improved by learning at the knee of the master. Those insignificants who've elected not to benefit from my immeasurable ken and for whom the world still seems a confusing place, won't miss me anyway.
    So today mes demons, my voice joins those in history whose genius has been muted by death, exile, or shifting winds of happenstance. Also lost will be my insightful, cutting edge recommendations of music/musicians I've deemed worthy of my ear. Sorry kids, you're on your own now, at the mercy of today's musical machinery - the very same one(s) that brought you Justin Bieber and Pit Bull (is it just me, or is the thought of them sharing a jail cell just too delicious?). Such are the vicissitudes of life.

     That's it, no protracted farewells; until/unless I reappear, Phoenix-like, to once again fill that Speed-shaped hole in your brains, I bid you adieu. Veni, vidi , vici.......................    

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