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Thursday, May 19, 2011

California Dreamin'

     Yes, I know it seems like forever since my last foray into bloggy-world, but chins up little buckaroos, Tommy's back and so full of dictum that it's flowing from his fingers at an alarming pace.
     Obviously, my weather related rants have had no effect; Mother Nature continues to flip us off, rendering even the sunniest of Central Pennsylvania dispositions sullen and ill-tempered; Shop Vac-ing the basement several times a month will do that to you.
     We were able to travel to Altoona - yes, it rained there too - for the blessed nuptuals of G-Wen and Wayne.
Great wedding and great reception (hope Radar Love never appears on the U-Tube). Breakfast the next morning with Slammin' Sammy, Court and the fams was both a fitting celebration of Mother's Day, and (if filmed & shown in high schools throughout the country) an effective birth-control PSA.
     Next on the agenda for your beloved author are CPUMC's 20th annual Golf Classic in early June, and thereafter, a brief trip to sunny California. The golf outing will be special, as I seek to defend the title so effortlessly won last year - effortless, in that I did little or nothing to aid our team.
Raising funds has been the focus of these outings. Since we've begun, we've raised nearly $12,000 for the various missions of XPoint; this year, monies will be split between our food pantry and our sister church efforts in Maboleh, Sierra Leone.
     The Cali trip will be special, as I intend to offer a sympathetic shoulder to Maria look forward to the blessed union of G-Wen's brother Jed, and his lovely bride-to-be Rae Rae.
This will be bittersweet for me; it's always difficult to see them leave the nest, but my little washer partner is all grown up now, with a life of her own - - - fly little bird, fly!

     Don't know how many of you know this, but I was born in California, just a few short scores ago (I see California girls in my dreams). Other activities on the Left Coast will include recreating the debauchery of the movie Sideways - in the wine country, a liesurely drive up the coast on HWY 1, and poppin' around San Francisco for a day or so. Then, soon enough, I'll be winging my way homeward, to rejoin my comrades in what by then will surely more resemble Atlantis, than the All-American City I call home.
     Hasta la vista babies; I'll be back. Sorry, I couldn't resist a few Arnold-isms..........

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