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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Say what you mean; mean what you say.


     As a value-added benefit of your subscription to this revelatory missive, provided is a primer on understanding what I'll call illusory speech; that being - words spoken that appear to carry one meaning, but in fact contain another. For those more anserine, I'll offer an example: when my spouse-mate says "It looks like the neighbors have raked their leaves." what's really being said is, "Go rake the leaves in our yard, so I'm no longer embarrassed by your acute lack of motivation!".
     To warm up, I'll provide my considerable insight for these well known saws; you'll get the idea.

When it's said - "To err is human, to forgive is divine." (Alexander Pope)
What it means - Only a fool would do that; fortunately, I'm not a fool.

When it's said - "A stitch in time saves nine." (Thomas Fuller)
What it means - Your planning skills are non-existant.

When it's said - "Neither a borrower nor a lender be." (William Shakespeare: Hamlet - Polonius, Act 1, Scene 3)
What it means - No.

     Now, let's get to more contemporary examples:

When it's said - "I want to thank every American who participated in this election." (Barak Obama)
What it means - Your check is in the mail.

When it's said - "Sarah Palin is the running mate who can best help me shake up Washington."
What it means - I hope to God this IS a beauty contest.

When it's said - "You have to be unique, and different, and shine in your own way." (Lady Gaga)
What it means - The freak show industry remains a strong career path.

When it's said - "You know, I'm a television personality. It's not like I'm a famous hooker or something." (Nancy Grace)
What it means - know, I think she said exactly what she meant.

When it's said - "We are all capable of infinately more that we believe." (David Blaine)
What it means - I'll do anything for money.

When it's said - "Nobody and nothing will stop Russia on the road to strengthening democracy and ensuring human rights and freedoms." (Vladimir Putin)
What it means - I know where your entire family lives.

     That's enough for now drumsticks; you're now imbued with insight far beyond your station. Until next time, I'm out here on the ledge - loving the view.....
- est sicut scienta ad collegium me -

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Mail Call

Nest Mates:
Here again dear worshipers, is another installment of the popular reader mail feature – wherein I provide a small sample of the questions I receive weekly, from folks the world over, desperate for my sage advice. While the responses given are issue-specific, it’s quite likely that significant life lessons may be gleaned, by keen observers, that are applicable to other vexing circumstances.
However, a word of warning: while subscribers are encouraged to lay their concerns on the altar of wisdom that my postings represent, caution should be exercised when attempting to apply advanced theorems in the mundane matters typically faced by a lower-functioning populace. Let’s get to it. <trumpet flourish>
Q: “What happened…?”  -  M. Romney
A: Let’s see, could it have been the perfect storm of inept campaign management, less than disastrous economic news in the last 3 weeks of the campaign, a natural disaster – tailor made for an incumbent to look “presidential” (not even gonna mention Chris Christie’s man love for your rival), and an electorate so chock full ‘o dumb that they make lemmings look reasoned? Dude, it was teed up for you!
Q: “Is this victory a mandate?”  -  B. Obama

A: Does Michelle know you’re talking about man dates? I see red; what do you see?

Q: “Why didn’t anyone return my robo-calls?”  -  P. Boone

Editor’s note: As a public service, Speed’s profanity-laced reply will not be printed. He remains enraged at what he believes is a clear case of elder abuse.

Q: “Speed, can I use your place next weekend?”  -  D. Patraeus
A: Shock & Awe, eh big guy? Got a feeling Mrs. P’s gonna make Benghazi seem like a safe house.
Q: “What should I do at QB; and, oh, are you gonna finish that?”  -  A. Reid
A: You lie down with dogs….. Only the tragedy that is your personal life prevents me, or anyone else, from really piling on. I do however, have two suggestions: retirement & gastric bypass.

Q: "Why won’t people take me seriously anymore?”D. Trump
A: Grasshopper - in the question is found the answer. <sigh - the tragedy of another home without mirrors.....>
That’s enough for now, my Demons. With the holidays approaching, I expect to once again spend most of my time pandering and positioning myself to receive as many gifts as possible shoulder the burden of ensuring peace on earth/goodwill to men, that falls to we few difference makers. Scientia est vox.....

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Coming Attractions

     In the halcyon days of my youth, one of my favorite bands was Ten Years After I always thought that was a cool name, but wasn't sure exactly what it meant - Ten years After what?
     Pondering this again recently, I thought it might be entertaining to  demonstrate, yet again, just how desperate my attention-getting antics have become my incredible ability to see into the future. So, without further blather, here is my view of November, 2022 - ten years from now. I've established categories to facilitate clarity for even the most limited dullards; this is a long one - buckle up.

Politics - On the national scene, President Nicole Polizzi remains mired in a scandal that has dogged her since her stunning election in 2020, wherein she narrowly defeated both her Republican and Democratic challengers, Mark Emmert and Ron Paul (finally - he changed parties, and simply outlasted everyone), respectively. Effectively dealing a death blow to the traditional two party system, Prez Snooki (as she prefers to be called) rode the combined waves of a colossally ignorant electorate and a viewing public transfixed by this human train wreck, to an astonishing victory.
Plagued by persistent rumors that teen-queen Honey Boo Boo is really her love child, sired by Larry the Cable Guy - who steadfastly maintains his silence in the matter - Snooki's first term has mirrored her inconsequential television career.
     In PA statewide matters, the race for Governor continues to tighten between Republican challenger Scott Paterno, and the incumbent Democrat Linda Thompson. Polls indicate that Paterno is eating into Thompson's lead; however, her statewide campaign headquarters announced today that she's recovering nicely from the unfortunate incident in their last debate, where Paterno thought  Governor Thompson's faux pearl necklace was a string of popcorn, and nearly chewed through her neck.
Sports - The NFL cancelled this week's slate of games in the U.S., Europe and Japan, out of respect for the recent passing of NFL Commissioner, Jerry Jones. Jones sold the Cowboys to former U.S. President George Bush, for an estimated $38 billion.
     Major League Baseball released the starting times for this year's World Series, set to begin in Toronto on December 2nd. This year's contest pits the Blue Jays against the expansion Las Vegas Yankees, who relocated from new York to avoid the impending sea-level rise.
     The NBA announced that its first month's scheduled slate of games has been cancelled. The now 2 1/2 year long work stoppage continues to erode the league's fan base of gang bangers and leprechauns, as both ownership and the player's union, with its titular head, Charles Barkley, remain entrenched in their positions. Neither side will yield on its demand to receive 95% of all league revenue, nor the real sticking point of the player's demand that the owners pay all criminal and civil fines levied against any player that runs afoul of the law. Commissioner Shaquille O'Neal estimates that child support alone could bankrupt the league.
     The National Hockey League, citing declining attendance and revenue for the 10th consecutive year, disbanded. This move was not unexpected, as the league struggled to remain viable after most of its star players signed to play themselves, in the History Channel's hit reality series, Ice Road Puckers.
World Events - Prospects for Middle East peace took a negative turn when U.N. brokered talks were cancelled, due to the inexplicable series of major winter storms plaguing the region. "Ice and snow have become the new normal." said a spokesman familiar with the region. In a related development, the World Climate Summit, scheduled to begin Monday in Tokyo, has been indefinitely postponed due to lagging registrations.
     United Nations Secretary General Bono announced that peace keeping forces will again be sent to the troubled U.S.-Mexican border region, where unrest continues to rage. "I guess the 30 foot wall and 600 miles of electrified fencing isn't enough." said Bono through a spokesman. Rival American and Mexican drug cartel members remain locked in a struggle to gain dominance in what's become the largest industry in both countries. "Thank God they're at least taxing the American sales; at least I think they are." quipped Texas Governor Willie Nelson.
Entertainment - People Magazine's latest issue featured a cover story on the new power brokers of the industry. Former top dog Oprah Winfrey, now under federal indictment for mail fraud and practicing witchcraft, has been displace by true entertainment royalty. Blanket Jackson has been named "Hollywood's Most Powerful Figure", by the all-digital tabloid. "Though no one has actually seen Blanket in the last 5 years, his influence is totally radical, bro." mumbled People's editor-in-chief, Keanu Reeves.
     The industry today continues its outpouring of grief in the wake of the passing of former child-star Macauley Caulkin. Through his agent, renown gay-porn actor Ashton Kutcher said, "He was like a brother to me; it's always sad when we outlive our careers."
     At the movies, Rocky XIII, "The Juicers Last Round" continues to smash box office records, out grossing its nearest rival "Blue Bloods" (think Avatar joining an LA gang)  by nearly 2 to 1. The septuagenarian Sylvester Stallone faces his most fearsome challenge yet, squaring off with a creaky Arnold Schwarzenegger, in an MMA style cockfight. Lindsay Lohan's career revival is boosted by her star turn as the referee, torn between her pledge to officiate a clean bout, and her forbidden love for them both.

     On the small screen (relative term, as TV sets now routinely span 175") Dancing With the Stars continues its remarkable run as the nation's most watched show. DWTS owes its phenomenal success to the decision to permit - and later, require - weaponry on the dance floor. The Crystal Ball Trophy was last awarded to the killer team of Ashley & Mary Kate Olsen, and this season they're back to defend their title. By virtue of their win last year, the Twin Terrors will receive an automatic spot in the final round - the much anticipated, Dance of Death. 

     That's it from the future kids. Until next time, stay addicted.....