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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Creation - Revisited

     Undoubtedly by this time, word has spread even to the farthest reaches of the kingdom - the Emperor has no job. These past 38 days of career stagnation have had a profound effect on even my hair's breadth from delerium rock-solid psyche.
     Fortunately, I am medicated of sturdy stock and find great comfort in the panoply of menial tasks that have now become my companions. For example, rather than gather the household trash on the eve of the mid-week visit from our local refuse hauler, I now empty each room's cans every day - thereby providing me with a much-needed sense of accomplishment and boundless pride. What remained missing however, was that inspirational spark, that super-noval burst of pure genious for which I'm  known (rightfully so - cue the applause).
     As I tended to yet another mindless chore, idling at the corner of Nothing To Do Avenue and All The Time In The World To Do It Street, I felt a small, still voice from within - at first, it seemed but a whisper, but then grew stronger and more intelligible - saying "create, create, create"; in that moment, my vision was cast. I would henceforth use my estimable powers only for good, and would begin by reordering the only universe in which I am god <Editor's note: small g> - my pond. 
     Taking my cue from the Good Book, it seemed sensible to perform this transformational miracle using the template provided therein. I mean, why reinvent the wheel? The following is an account of the past 7 days:
Day 1 - The western end of my pond was formless and empty - darkness was over the surface. I separated the weeds and the rocks, preparing the place; I saw that it was good.
Day 2 I dug a pit in which to place the cistern which would hold back the waters. The pit was in darkness; I created a channel to drain the water and allow in the light.
Day 3 - The land around the pit was ready to receive its inhabitants - the bricks and stones from which the waters would spring forth. I began to place them there, each in its own location. This lasted from morning to evening.
Day 4 - The darkness of the ground was joined by the lightness of the sand, upon which more bricks of different sizes, each according to its kind, were placed. The formless void became somewhat recognizable.
Day 5 - The cistern was placed, and the pump that would generate the life-giving nature to this garden was acquired and installed. The vulcanized liner was inserted, in the image of the trench in which it lay, channeling the flowing waters to and from the pond.

Day 6 - The placement of the stones was completed, and power was supplied to the pump. The waters began to swirl and cycle throughout this biological wonder. I saw all that I had made, and it was very good.

Day 7 - I rested.

     Remember cowgirls, to whom much is given, much is expected; my creation in a small slice of the northeast corner of the Brisco compound portends greater things. I'm obviously destined to slip the icy bonds of tedium - and when I do, my demons will be the first to know. 
Mercede sua magnitudo est....... 

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