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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Hero Worship

     As this seige enters its 86th day of enforced idleness, I look to others who've travelled this path before me, for inspiration. To combat the stultifying sameness that envelopes me, as a result of my cruel attachment to the IV drip of b...o...r...e...d...o...m that accompanies my unemployment, I study the techniques of those serving extended prison terms.

     I have no pets, as a result of the court order (still in force) obtained by my neighbors, when - in my youth - I admitted to pulling the wings off flys and scorching ants with a magnifying glass little interest in pets, so Alcatraz's Birdman is no role model; I have however selected another famous  prisoner to emulate - Papillon. His ability to maintain sanity and a sharp mind serves as a roadmap for the balance of my incarceration, however long it may be. I've copied his clever method to combat the numbness that each day just like the last can bring; I find that breaking each 38 hour day into manageable chunks works best. Here's how it goes:
Morning - Every article I've read about my situation advises to maintain, as best as one can, the former routine. As such, I rise each morning with the dawn, PCT. That way, with most of the morning already spent, I have but a few hours to kill before entering the next pupal stage of my daily existance. After a hearty breakfast (remember, the most important meal of the day), I watch the clock hand's inexorable swing toward noon.
Afternoon  As most of you know, I'm an admirer of many cultures. So, after an expansive lunch, crafted by my own hand, I take a cue from our friends south of the border, and go to my quiet room for a well-earned siesta. Again, the beauty of this maneuver is the passage of time while I'm unconscious - thereby minimizing my suffering. This is, of course, pure genius on my part, and is a major irritation to completely fine with my house-mate.
Evening - Admittedly, this is the hardest portion to endure. While others are returning home from their achievement-laden day's activities, my commute is much more banal; I pace, aimlessly, from room to room, awaiting the dinner bell. Then, after sharing my repast in silence (another trick I learned from watching prison movies - if you say nothing, the screws won't bother you), I settle in for an evening of channel surfing and snacking. It's only then, after lights out, that I hold my Justin Bieber doll and cry myself to sleep.

     It seems that I've settled nicely into this routine, to the point of slavish compliance with the above schedule. Naturally, with so much attention being paid to passing the time, I've neglected some other areas of my life that no longer seem important - like bathing and shaving. Of additional benefit, is not having to choose a different outfit each day; the one I wore all week is just fine. I suspect my Father's Day gift will be an intervention.

     Later this week, I intend to try resuming activities to spur my will to live. The unfortunate cancellation and (potential) rescheduling of this year's Flotilla weighs heavily on me. I must return to the sea.................  Otium sugit

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