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Monday, August 29, 2011

The Legend Of PattyPalooza


     Well, Mother Nature sure showed us who's still in charge. Let's see, in the span of 5 short days, those of us fortunate enough to live in the idyllic paradise that is the lower Susquahanna Valley, experienced both an earthquake (Richter 5.8ish) and a hurricane (Irene - Cat 1ish). Superstitious types - those who believe that these things come in threes, are awaiting the volcanic eruption that we're surely destined to experience. I scoff at such pedestrian fears, but suggest there may be another event of similarly seismic proportions on the horizon - PattyPalooza X! For those of you who don't already understand the significance of this annual soiree, permit me to bring you up to speed (so to speak).
     Long ago, in a land far, far away, there lived a beautiful Princess and her dashing husband, the Prince. They enjoyed a peaceful existance, blessed with 2 fine sturdy children, making their home in a bucolic setting, deep within an enchanted woodland. All was well. But then, inevitably, their children grew and developed interests outside their forest home.

       At first, this seemed a benign development; the empty nest had been a foregone conclusion to child-rearing, but somehow, the emptiness that enveloped the royal couple was palpable. This was especially true for the Princess - Patty. Whiling away the days with sundry employment and decorating tasks just didn't fill the void in her life that this natural progression had wrought.
     It was just after hosting the perfunctory family gathering, that the Princess had an idea; why not create an annual event for family and assorted townsfolk to enjoy? This would surely provide the missing spark and likely result in mirth and merriment for all involved. 
      She quickly set to the task, incorporating ideas and assistance from the farthest reaches of the kingdom. The resultant pagan festival that bears her name - PattyPalooza - was born. Over the years, the Princess and her Prince transformed their arboreal homeland into a theme park, of sorts. 
     Featured attractions, added throught the years include: the slip & slide of doom, the duck regatta, fireworks (the real ones, not those dopey fake ones), kareoke, bean bag/washer toss tourneys, talent contests, awards ceremonies, and last years' crowning jewels, the pool and Tiki bar. Theme t-shirts were added over the years, some of which made their way to other lands, destined perhaps to inspire other fair-haired princesses.
     So there you have it; as we prepare for this year's edition, the 10th, those fortunate souls holding the golden invitation tickets will surely rest their heads each night, their hearts full of wonder - anticipating what's to come. Sweet dreams.....                                    

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