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Monday, August 15, 2011

Wall Paper

     For some reason lately, walls have been a recurring theme in Speed's world. as many of you know, I am an accomplished <my opinion, not independently verified> dry-stack wall builder. My skills are in high demand; this, evidenced by the plethora of requests I receive for assistance/advice for said services. In fact, at this very moment, I am considering how best to overcome significant challenges posed by yet another of these muros de piedra.
     As such, and in response to the overwhelming outpouring of opinion generated by my "Rain" post several months back, I thought I'd reprise that work of art - this time, featuring "Walls". However, instead of limiting myself to musical references only, I'd consider other genres as well. So, without further dalliance, here is my brief "Walls In Pop Culture" listing (try to keep up):

Musical Groups: Wallflowers / Wall Of VooDoo / Tilly and the Wall
Songs: Hello Walls / The Wall (duh) / Wonderwall / 99 Bottles of Beer On The Wall
Movies: The Wall (see above) / Wall-E
Other References: "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan / Wall Of Sound - Phil Spector

     Again dear friends, this is obviously not an exhaustive listing, but one designed merely to get your minds moving at a modicum of the warp-speed pace at which mine cruises. Please do not dissappoint me; respond with suggestions that I've deliberately omitted missed - thereby confirming your attendence at these lectures.
     This has been a stimulating exercise - so much so that I'm reminded of the inspirational words of Col. Nathan Jessup. I intend to apply this crystalized logicism as I face my current challenge: "You want me on that wall; you need me on that wall.".........