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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Camping We Will Go

     This will be a brief one. I just want to alert you to my next adventure - deep woods camping. Actually, it's not all that deep, and frankly, it's barely camping at all. Essentially, we'll be living in small houses near some trees and other woodsy stuff.
     This will be the 18th iteration of the "Grand Experiment"; one that allows men to be men and women to be women. At the crux of this, is the genius of having the living/sleeping arrangements segregated by gender. This allows the strong, protective males of our tribe to effectively sequester the less aggressive, weaker females, making it easier to defend the breeding stock makes perfect sense for many reasons.

     The three day extravaganza will include plenty of eating, drinking, tomfoolery, fire, knives, spears, and perhaps an explosion or two. My next update will reveal all......

     In the interest of providing the best possible experience for you, dear followers, I'll share a tip that's necessary to enjoy a fuller, richer experience with Super Thoughts. BlogSpot has obvious limitations that my musings serve to exacerbate; rendering it nearly unsuitable to host future posts; they'll hear from me soon. It just makes me shake my head.....
     Regardless, I've learned that when first landing on my blog, the post that's displayed is the first one written - nearly 10 months ago!! To view the most recent post, you must scroll allll the waaay down, then highlight the 2011 link in the right hand margin. Doing so will recall the freshest post; from there, enjoyment abounds!
     Until next time, remain strong.....

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Membership Has Its Benefits

“Step right up, ladies and gentlemen; don’t push or shove, there’s plenty available for everybody. Now, through the confluence of science and imagination, you may avail yourself of this once in a lifetime opportunity.”  -  Unknown carnival barker
“There’s a sucker born every minute.”  -  Phineas Taylor Barnum
Although this blog has achieved nowhere near the attention I crave world-wide distribution and acclaim, it’s still in its infancy.  To celebrate the looming first anniversary of CHEAP TALK, we’re launching yet another mindless venture. Yes, for as little as 7 cents a day, you too can (vicariously, of course) enjoy the awesomeness that hangin’ with me brings – as one of the Speed Demons.
Acceptance into this uber-exclusive alliance provides members with unprecedented access to yours truly. It also bestows a level of community and reverential devotion generally associated with the zealots of only a few of society’s most respected and exclusive organizations …. like Hell’s Angels, or Druids.
It works like this: simply author a request, and send it to me with your non-refundable first year’s membership dues. I’ll review your submission and, if accepted, you’ll receive a membership kit – which includes a fancy membership card (Silver Level), an autographed picture of Speed himself, in one of a variety of action shots (Gold Level) and, for the Platinum Level memberships, biographical information that’s at once informative and inspirational.
        In deference to commoners, we’ve created 3 levels of membership, designed to fit any pocketbook. There’s the Silver Level ($25/yr), the Gold Level ($50/yr) and the coveted Platinum Level ($100/yr) All Access Pass-providing a never-before available behind the scenes peek into the dank labyrinth between my ears. <U.S. currency only>
         Act now; guaranteed membership is limited to the first 1,000 responders; after that, I'll draw straws. Don’t be left behind what’s sure to become the tidal wave of popularity that's sure to be yours– Of course, that feeling of exhiliration is fleeting - like spending 5 seconds in Heaven - but instant gratification is the lifeblood of American commerce. As such, I'll guage the response, then determine when/how to offer the Speed Brisco t-shirts, coffee mugs, lunch boxes, etc.
        Fly your flag proudly....

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Opening The Mailbag

     Apparently, my reach is boundless; notes, comments, questions and general inquiries continue to pour in - from the furthest corners of the webisphere.

     So, as a service to you, dear followers, I decided to publish some of the best - and my responses - in my never-ending quest to abet the general good. Here we go:

Q: Speed, what's up with this whole "bloggy" (sic) thing? Why do you do it?  -  Curious
A: Curious: Genius runs downhill; I'm only doin' my part.

Q: Sir/Madam, what are your qualifications to impart what you believe is valuable, but your readers see as pure tripe?  -  W. Buckley
A: I am not now, nor have I ever been, a Madam. Tripe THIS!

 Q: ¿Senor Velocidad, lo que te hace tan rĂ¡pido?  -  P. Escobar
A: Adjetivo inteligente.

Q: How are your eyes? You seem to have a slanted view.  -  S. Pearle
A: My vision is 20/20; my view is totally amazing.

Q: Speed Brisco, why don't you post a picture of yourself, so we can see what you look like?  -  Desperate In Dallas
A: I'm somewhat of an acquired taste; my appeal is very limited.

Q: How did you get so smart?  -  S. Hawking
A: Superior genes, mostly; I'm sooo much more than the sum of my parts.

     That's enough for now kids; I'll open Uncle Speed's mailbag again in the months to come. Until then, keep those questions/comments flowin'. I'll likely continue to trash most of what I receive do my best to answer as many as I can.
     Also, watch for my next post which will contain information regarding my latest foray/descent into egomania: I intend to sell memberships to my devotees - Speed's Demons. This is gonna be awesome.........