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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Opening The Mailbag

     Apparently, my reach is boundless; notes, comments, questions and general inquiries continue to pour in - from the furthest corners of the webisphere.

     So, as a service to you, dear followers, I decided to publish some of the best - and my responses - in my never-ending quest to abet the general good. Here we go:

Q: Speed, what's up with this whole "bloggy" (sic) thing? Why do you do it?  -  Curious
A: Curious: Genius runs downhill; I'm only doin' my part.

Q: Sir/Madam, what are your qualifications to impart what you believe is valuable, but your readers see as pure tripe?  -  W. Buckley
A: I am not now, nor have I ever been, a Madam. Tripe THIS!

 Q: ¿Senor Velocidad, lo que te hace tan rápido?  -  P. Escobar
A: Adjetivo inteligente.

Q: How are your eyes? You seem to have a slanted view.  -  S. Pearle
A: My vision is 20/20; my view is totally amazing.

Q: Speed Brisco, why don't you post a picture of yourself, so we can see what you look like?  -  Desperate In Dallas
A: I'm somewhat of an acquired taste; my appeal is very limited.

Q: How did you get so smart?  -  S. Hawking
A: Superior genes, mostly; I'm sooo much more than the sum of my parts.

     That's enough for now kids; I'll open Uncle Speed's mailbag again in the months to come. Until then, keep those questions/comments flowin'. I'll likely continue to trash most of what I receive do my best to answer as many as I can.
     Also, watch for my next post which will contain information regarding my latest foray/descent into egomania: I intend to sell memberships to my devotees - Speed's Demons. This is gonna be awesome.........

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