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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Big Old Ugly Green Bag

As I write this, a mere 5 days 'till we wing away, I wanted to thank all of the folks who so generously responded to my request for band aids and other materials to take to our village. I packed that suitcase tonight, and it's stuffed. At 51.7 lbs., it's a tad over the limit, but I'll gladly pay the overage. Check it out -
It's the biggest, ugliest green suitcase ever (I wish it was red; I dig red), but to me, it's beautiful. As I stuffed it with band aids, gauze packs, etc., I saw the faces of those who donated these items - I also saw the faces of those I remember in Maboleh village that will likely benefit from these things, in ways we'll never know. Thank you all so much; you make me proud.......              

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