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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Well My Bags Are Packed; I'm Ready To Go.........

     In about 15 hours or so, we'll be leaving for the 2-3 hour trip to the airport, then the 30ish hour travel tme to Freetown, via Brussels. All is packed; together my bags weigh 99 lbs. I can't begin to thank you all enough for the tremendous response to my request for band aids and other supplies. One full 50 lb bag is nothing but donated items. My other bag also contains things I'll leave behind - boots, shirts, etc. They'll come to good use there. No sweaters needed; not hard to stay warm.
     I'll do my best to keep you all updated during the journey. Internet service is spotty at best, and without my trusty laptop, I'll be at the mercy of others for access. I'm not sure where we'll be staying while in Freetown (the capitol city); but we'll be there for 2 days after our arrival, and 2 more prior to our departure. Here's a picture of Freetown itself, and another of the ferry we'll take to get from the airport to the city, as it unloads . Keep me/us in your prayers. Adios............

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